Université Blaise Pascal


The Université Blaise Pascal (UBP) will participate in TimeStorm with LAPSCO, which is the only CNRS laboratory in France in social psychology. This laboratory employs 26 highly qualified researchers. LAPSCO is the only laboratory of the department of psychology at UBP with 1400 students, who participate to experiments for credit courses. In addition, there is a close collaboration with several schools that allows to easily run experiments with children. The LAPSCO has obtained a great number of grants from the ANR in particular.

Background: The work proposed in TimeStorm will be carried out by the group of “Emotion, Affect and Cognition” which has a long history of ground-breaking research in time perception research. Additionally, the group has long experience on developmental  studies with infants, healthy children and low-functioning children many of them on time perception. Other major research areas of the group that are relevant to the proposed work regard “emotion and time perception interactions” and “time in attention and memory processes”.

Specific Role in TimeStorm: UBP’s main task in the project is to carry out developmental studies shedding light on the developmental path of time perception, and its gradual involvement in knowledge management, action planning and sense of self. Moreover UBP will contribute in the theoretical integration of experimental results, the assessment of the cognitive and neurocomputational models and will endorse computational feedback to neuroscience.

Key Personnel
Sylvie Droit Vollet (PI): Sylvie.DROIT-VOLET [AT] univ-bpclermont [DOT] fr