Specialising in science and technology, Imperial College London was founded in 1907, and is today considered one of the world’s leading universities. The work proposed in TimeStorm will be carried out by the Neurodynamics group which is part of Imperial College’s Department of Computing. The over-arching agenda of the group is to understand how cognition and consciousness are realised in the embodied, situated brain. The group’s members have a range of backgrounds and provide expertise and a publication track record in neural dynamics, robotics, high-performance computing, artificial intelligence, and philosophy.
Background: The Neurodynamics group has long interest in the intimate relationship between cognition, sensorimotor embodiment, and the integrative character of consciousness. The group is particularly experienced in implementing large-scale neural networks that emulate brain processes, with special interest in structural connectivity, modularity, local and global synchronisation, and the role of neural dynamics in embodied (robotic) settings.
Specific Role in TimeStorm: Imperial will be involved in neurocomputational modelling, organizing the methodological framework that will be followed in the project. Additionally it will contribute in the implementation of the timely action planning model and will be responsible for the social self model. Imperial will also contribute in the integration, embodiment and assessment of the implemented models.
Key Personnel
Murray Sanahan (PI): m.shanahan[AT] imperial [DOT] ac [DOT] uk
Zafeirios Fountas: zfountas [AT] imperial [DOT] ac [DOT] uk
Kyriacos Nikiforou: kyriacos [DOT] nikiforou10 [AT] imperial [DOT] ac [DOT] uk
Anastasia Sylaidi: a [DOT] sylaidi [AT] imperial [DOT] ac [DOT] uk
David Bhowmik: d [DOT] bhowmik10 [AT] imperial [DOT] ac [DOT] uk